American Friends of the Chronic Care Center (AFCCC)

AFCCC is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting the only center in Lebanon for children with Diabetes or Thalassemia.

AFCCC is helping the Children’s Center in Lebanon pursue its MISSIONS:

  • Medical Support

    Delivering Insulin and diabetic supplies in a timely fashion
    Providing Desferal and transfusion equipments for thalassemia

  • Psycho-Social Support

    For the children and their families

  • Awareness

    Raising awareness about the center, the only one of its kind in Lebanon.
    Promoting its impact on the health of the community. The genetic laboratory provides early prenatal testing for genetic diseases (like Thalassemia).
    After this genetic testing was encouraged by the Lebanese Government and has been offered at CCC, the incidence of thalassemia had significantly decreased in the country.

Board Members

Ghada Haddad, MD


Randa Fakhouri


Sami Harawi, MD
